Park Nobel
Since I "retired" in 2004, I have taught two regular undergraduate courses at UCLA (Physicochemical Biology and Plant Physiological Ecology) and three intensive graduate courses in Argentina, Brazil, and Italy on Plant Physiological Ecology . Besides a few research articles, I have also published another version of my textbook, Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology, 4th edition and another book, "DESERT WISDOM/AGAVES and CACTI: CO2, Water, Climate Change." This period has obviously been refreshingly active.
My research interests were and are still related to desert plants in the broadest sense. My specialties are agaves and cacti. And my approach is based on physics and engineering principles.(see my Biography) Currently I am considering the exchanges of CO2 and water with the environment for these plants and how such processes will vary with global climate change. But I love the agronomic and the cultural aspects of agaves and cacti as well. Let us all share a toast to their promising future!