The Amarasekare Lab
UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Amarasekare, P and C. Johnson. The evolution of thermal reaction norms in seasonally varying environments. American Naturalist, In Press.
Johnson, C., R. Coutinho, E. Berlin, K. Dolphin, J. Heyer, B. Kim, A. Leung, J. Sabellon and P. Amarasekare. Effects of temperature and resource variation on insect population dynamics: the bordered plant bug as a case study.Functional Ecology 30,1122-1131 (2016).
Amarasekare, P. Evolution of dispersal in a multi-trophic community context. Oikos 125, 514-525 (2016).
Amarasekare, P. Effects of temperature on consumer-resource interactions. J Anim Ecol 84, 665-679 (2015).
Okamoto, K. W., Langerhans, R. B., Rashid, R. & Amarasekare, P. Microevolutionary patterns in the common caiman predict macroevolutionary trends across extant crocodilians. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 116, 834-846 (2015).
Johnson, C. A. & Amarasekare, P. A Metric for Quantifying the Oscillatory Tendency of Consumer-Resource Interactions. The American Naturalist 185, 87-99 (2015).
Borrelli, J. , Allesina S., Amarasekare P., Arditi R., Chase I., Damuth J., Holt R.D., Dmitrii O. Logofet D. O., Novak, M., Rohr R. P., Rossberg A. G., Spencer M., Tran K. J., Ginzburg L. R.,. Selection on stability across ecological scales. Trends in Ecology - Evolution 30, 417-425 (2015).
Amarasekare, P. & Coutinho, R. M. Effects of Temperature on Intraspecific Competition in Ectotherms. The American Naturalist 184, E50-E65 (2014).
Okamoto, K. W., Amarasekare, P. & Petty, I. T. D. Modeling oncolytic virotherapy: Is complete tumor-tropism too much of a good thing? Journal of Theoretical Biology 358, 166-178 (2014).
Johnson, C. A. & Amarasekare, P. Competition for benefits can promote the persistence of mutualistic interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 328, 54-64 (2013).
Amarasekare, P. & Coutinho, R. M. The intrinsic growth rate as a predictor of population viability under climate warming. J Anim Ecol 82, 1240-1253 (2013).
Okamoto, K. W. & Amarasekare, P. The biological control of disease vectors. Journal of Theoretical Biology 309, 47-57 (2012).
Amarasekare, P. & Sifuentes, R. Elucidating the temperature response of survivorship in insects. Funct Ecol 26, 959-968 (2012).
Amarasekare, P. & Savage, V. A Framework for Elucidating the Temperature Dependence of Fitness. The American Naturalist 179, 178-191 (2012).
Kidd, D. & Amarasekare, P. The role of transient dynamics in biological pest control: insights from a host-parasitoid community. Journal of Animal Ecology 81, 47-57 (2012).
Vasseur, D. A., Amarasekare, P., Rudolf, V. H. W. & Levine, J. M. Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics Enable Coexistence via Neighbor-Dependent Selection. The American Naturalist 178, E96-E109 (2011).
Bolnick, D. I., Amarasekare, P., Araujo, M. S., Burger R., Levine, J. M., Novak, M., Rudolf, V. H. W., Schreiber, S. J. , Urban M. C., Vasseur D. Why intraspecific trait variation matters in community ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26, 183-192 (2011).
1.Verdy, A. & Amarasekare, P. Alternative stable states in communities with intraguild predation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 262, 116-128 (2010).
Amarasekare, P. Effect of Non-Random Dispersal Strategies on Spatial Coexistence Mechanisms. Journal of Animal Ecology 79, 282-293 (2010).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Dynamics of Keystone Predation. Journal of Animal Ecology 77, 1306-1315 (2008).
Amarasekare, P. Coexistence of intraguild predators and prey in resource-rich environments. Ecology 89, 2786-2797 (2008).
Urban M. C., Leibold, M. A., Amarasekare, P., Meester, L. D., Gomulkiewicz, R., Hochberg, M. E., Klausmeier, C. A., Loeuille N., Mazancourt C., Norberg, J., Pantel, J. H., Strauss, S. Y., Vellend, M., Wade, M.J.. The evolutionary ecology of metacommunities. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23, 311-317 (2008).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Dynamics of Foodwebs. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 39, 479-500 (2008).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Dynamics of Communities with Intraguild Predation: The Role of Dispersal Strategies. The American Naturalist 170, 819-831 (2007).
Amarasekare, P. Trade-Offs, Temporal Variation, and Species Coexistence in Communities with Intraguild Predation. Ecology 88, 2720-2728 (2007).
Amarasekare, P. Productivity, dispersal and the coexistence of intraguild predators and prey. Journal of Theoretical Biology 243, 121-133 (2006).
Chase, J., Amarasekare, P. Cottenie, K. Gonzalez, A. Holt, R. Holyoak, M. Hoopes, M. Leibold, M. Loreau, N. Mouquet, J. Shurin, J. and D. Tilman. Competing theories for competitive metacommunities. Pages 335-354 In Metacommunity Ecology (eds: M. Leibold, R. Holt and M. Holyoak), University of Chicago Press. (2005).
Mouquet, N., M.F. Hoopes and P. Amarasekare The world is patchy and heterogeneous: the roles of trade-offs and source-sink dynamics in competitive metacommunities. Pages 237-262 In Metacommunity Ecology (eds: M. Leibold, R. Holt and M. Holyoak), University of Chicago Press. (2005).
Amarasekare, P., Hoopes, M. F., Mouquet, N., Holyoak, M. & Morin, A. E. P. J. Mechanisms of Coexistence in Competitive Metacommunities. The American Naturalist 164, 310-326 (2004).
Ashman, T.-L. et al. Pollen Limitation of Plant Reproduction: Ecological and Evolutionary Causes and Consequences. Ecology 85, 2408-2421 (2004).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Variation and Density-Dependent Dispersal in Competitive Coexistence. Proceedings: Biological Sciences 271, 1497-1506 (2004).
Leibold, M. A. et al. The metacommunity concept: a framework for multi-scale community ecology. Ecology Letters 7, 601-613 (2004).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Dynamics of Mutualistic Interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology 73, 128-142 (2004).
Shurin, J. B. et al. Alternative stable states and regional community structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology 227, 359-368 (2004).
Amarasekare, P. Diversity-Stability Relationships in Multitrophic Systems: An Empirical Exploration. Journal of Animal Ecology 72, 713-724 (2003).
Amarasekare, P. Competitive coexistence in spatially structured environments: a synthesis. Ecology Letters 6, 1109-1122 (2003).
Amarasekare, P. The role of density-dependent dispersal in source-sink dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226, 159-168 (2004).
Amarasekare, P. Interference Competition and Species Coexistence. Proceedings: Biological Sciences 269, 2541-2550 (2002).
Amarasekare, P., Nisbet, R. M. & Fahrig, A. E. L. Spatial Heterogeneity, Source-Sink Dynamics, and the Local Coexistence of Competing Species. The American Naturalist 158, 572-584 (2001).
Amarasekare, P. & Possingham, H. Patch Dynamics and Metapopulation Theory: the Case of Successional Species. Journal of Theoretical Biology 209, 333-344 (2001).
Amarasekare, P. The geometry of coexistence. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 71, 1-31 (2000).
Amarasekare, P. Coexistence of Competing Parasitoids on a Patchily Distributed Host: Local Vs. Spatial Mechanisms. Ecology 81, 1286-1296 (2000).
Amarasekare, P. Spatial Dynamics in a Host-Multiparasitoid Community. Journal of Animal Ecology 69, 201-213 (2000).
Amarasekare, P. Allee Effects in Metapopulation Dynamics. The American Naturalist 152, 298-302 (1998).
Frank, S. A. & Amarasekare, P. Increasing resource specialization among competitors shifts control of diversity from local to spatial processes. Ecology Letters 1, 3-5 (1998).
Amarasekare, P. Interactions between Local Dynamics and Dispersal: Insights from Single Species Models. Theoretical Population Biology 53, 44-59 (1998).
Amarasekare, P. Ecology of Introduced Small Mammals on Western Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Journal of Mammalogy 75, 24-38 (1994).
Amarasekare, P. Potential Impact of Mammalian Nest Predators on Endemic Forest Birds of Western Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Conservation Biology 7, 316-324 (1993).