The Amarasekare Lab
UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
October 2016
Priyanga's paper with Chris on the evolution of thermal reaction norms has bee accepted for publication in the American Naturalist.
July 2016Chris Johnson - Functional Ecology Spotlight : Congratulations to Chris Johnson, former Ph.D. student and postdoc extraordinaire at ETH, Zurich, whose recent paper in Functional Ecology (Johnson et al. 2016) is highlighted in Spotlight article by Sharon Bewick, who says, "The novel and comprehensive approach taken by Johnson et al. (2015) should serve as a template for future studies of insect populations, both under current conditions and in the context of global change. "
June 6, 2016Congratulations to Honors Research student Katherine Zhou, who was awarded the prestigious Whitcome summer fellowship to continue her research on the effects of body size and color pattern on mate selection in the harlequin bug.
Congratulations to Honors Research student Daniel Jefferson Smith, who is this year's recipient of the Undergraduate Research Prize in EEB.
May 15, 2016
Undergraduate research students Katherine Zhou, Clara Woodie and Li Li presented their research posters at the annual Science Poster Day and the EEB Research Symposium.
April 2016
Priyanga's paper on the Evolution of dispersal just got published (Oikos 125(4): 514-525).
January 2016
Welcome to Katie Scranton and Robert McElderry, the two new postdocs who have joined the lab. Katie is going to be working on developing variable delay models to investigate the mechanistic basis of warming induced phenological shifts. Robert is going to conduct manipulative experiments to quantify the thermal reaction norms of the harlequin bug and its parasitoids.
June 2015
Maggie Simon has been accepted to the Santa Fe Institute's summer program on Complex systems analysis.
Congratulations to Maggie Simon, who has been accepted to the Santa Fe Institute's summer program on Complex Dynamics.
Congratulations to Honors Research student Tinh Ton, who won the Undergraduate Research Prize in EEB.
Congratulations to Honors Research student Daniel Smith, who was awarded the prestigious Whitcome summer fellowship to continue his research on developing a mechanistic framework for elucidating how temperature effects on ectotherm traits translate into temporal niches through the generation of species-specific responses.
May 2015
Priyanga has received a Visiting Summer Professorship to iDiv, the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research in Leipzig. She will be conducting collaborative research with Professor Jonathan Chase, Head of the Biodiversity research group at iDiv.
Undergraduate Honors students Daniel Smith, Tinh Ton and Vivek Rajarathnam presented their research posters at the annual Science Poster Day and the EEB Research Symposium.
March 2015
Priyanga presents the Annual Biodiversity Lecture at the University of British Columbia.
January 2015
Congratulations to Chris Johnson, whose paper with Priyanga on "A Metric for Quantifying the Oscillatory Tendency of Consumer-Resource Interactions " has been published in the American Naturalist.
December 2015
Good news. Priyanga's NSF grant has been funded for the full amount ($615,534).
September 2014
Priyanga's paper with Renato Coutinho on "Effects of Temperature on Intraspecific Competition in Ectotherms" has been published in the American Naturalist.
August 2013
Congrats to Chris Johnson, who has finished his Ph.D. and is starting his postdoc with Judie Bronstein at the University of Arizona. Chris is the recipient of the prestigious Bisgrove Scholar Award from the Arizona Science Foundation.
July 2013
Congrats to Chris Johnson, whose paper with Priyanga on "Competition for benefits can promote the persistence of mutualistic interactions " has been published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology.
June 2012
Priyanga receives a Complex Systems Scholar Award from the James S. McDonnell Foundation.
April 2012
Priyanga has been awarded the Visiting Senior Research Fellowship at Jesus College, University of Oxford.