oaks at Sedgwick Research Preserve, Santa Barbara County, California, USA


Principal Investigator

Victoria L. Sork

Professor and Dean of Life Sciences
Email: vlsork@ucla.edu
Website: www.eeb.ucla.edu/Faculty/Sork/Sorklab



Paul Gugger

Postdoctoral Scholar
Landscape genomics of oaks; phylogeography of trees
Email: pfg@ucla.edu
Website: pfg.bol.ucla.edu

Ana Albarrán Lara

Postdoctoral Scholar
Adaptive genetic and phenotypic variation along elevational gradients in oaks
Email: aalbarranl@ucla.edu

Juan Manuel Peñaloza Ramírez

Postdoctoral Scholar
Transcriptomic response to water stress in valley oak Email: juan1610@ucla.edu

Jianli Zhao

Research Associate
Evolution of alpine gingers, Roscoea and Cautleya
Email: zjl@xtbg.ac.cn


Graduate Students

Keith Gaddis

Ph.D. Candidate
Landscape genetics in desert Acacia populations
Email: keith.d.gaddis@gmail.com
Website: sites.google.com/site/gaddisresearch

Stephanie Steele

Ph.D. Candidate
Seed dispersal and adaptive genetic structure of seedling populations in the tropics
Email: sesteele@ucla.edu
Website: sites.google.com/site/sesteeleresearch

Pamela Thompson

Ph.D. Candidate
Landscape effects on bat pollination in Neotropical dry forests
Email: limacodid@gmail.com
Website: pamthompson.weebly.com


Undergraduate Students


Lab Personnel

Krista Beckley

Staff Research Associate
Email: klbeckley@ucla.edu

Mike Suiter




Recent Lab Visitors


Former Lab Members