Miran graduates UCLA with a PhD!

Congratulations to Miran (aka Dr. Park) for finishing her dissertation and becoming the first PhD alum from our group!

Sarah advances to candidacy

Congratulations to Sarah for passing her oral qualifying exam!

Congratulations to Sarah for getting married!!

The whole lab enjoyed celebrating Sarah and Mason's marriage during their wonderful Hawaiian party in Santa Monica!

Michael is a father!!
JULY 2017

Michael's baby girl, Alma Lee, was born last week! Congratulations Michael and Billy!

Congratulations to Monique for geting married!
APRIL 2017

Monique and Gabe had a beautiful wedding in the Santa Monica Mountains, and the whole lab showed up to help celebrate!

Michael is a Research Assistant Professor!
MARCH 2017

Lab alumnus Michael Buhnerkempe has accepted a Research Assistant Professor position at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Congratulations and best of luck, Michael!

Our proposal to the UCLA 'Sustainable LA Grand Challenge' grants competition was selected for funding!

This project, entitled 'Urban Ecology of Los Angeles Mammals: Biodiversity, Pathogen Risks, and Public Perceptions', will conduct pathogen screening and population genetics on LA wildlife species such as raccoons, skunks and coyotes. It's led by Jessica Lynch-Alfaro and includes a multidisciplinary team, even an anthropological component to study local attitudes about LA wildlife.

Influenza imprinting paper published in Science

Katie G, Monique and Jamie, together with collaborator Mike Worobey at University of Arizona, have published their study showing that humans gain potent immunological protection from their first encounter with seasonal influenza, which provides lifelong protection against severe infection with other flu subtypes in the same 'hemagglutinin group'. This finding explains previously puzzling age patterns of H5N1 and H7N9 cases and deaths, and opens the door to quantitative risk projections for novel flu subtypes. Read the paper here, or the nice Perspective by Cecile Viboud and Suzanne Epstein here. The paper has attracted significant media attention, summarized by Altmetrics.

Jamie receives UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award

Jamie was honoured to receive this award, in recognition of his efforts to improve quantitative training for life science students, break down disciplinary boundaries (and show the ubiquity of ecological processes!), and give many undergrads their first taste of hands-on scientific exploration in his modeling courses.

Riley and Benny join the lab - welcome!

The lab group is delighted to welcome Riley Mummah, arriving from Penn State to start her PhD, and Benny Borremans, arriving from University of Antwerp to start a postdoc with the support of a Marie Curie Fellowship.

Welcome baby Liam!!

Jamie and Katy are delighted to welcome little Liam - and Sophie is delighted to be a big sister!

Lei publishes fitness landscape study in eLife

Lei co-led this study with Nicholas Wu (previously of Ren Sun's lab), entitled 'Adaptation in protein fitness landscapes is facilitated by indirect paths'. This study harnesses high-throughput phenotyping data to build a massive empirical fitness landscape, and shows that conclusions about evolutionary accessibility (and the importance of fitness valleys) change qualitatively as you consider larger, more realistic genotype spaces. Read it here.

Coral reef model published in Journal of Ecology

Departed honourary lab member Ranjan Muthukrishnan led this study, along with Jamie and EEB professor Peggy Fong, which showed how coral reef/algae systems can exhibit alternative stable states. This is a nice fusion of field research and modeling, and the paper has its roots in Ranjan's class projects in Jamie's 119/219 modeling courses. Read the paper here.

Katie P and Sarah present at the Wildlife Disease Assocation conference

Katie gave a talk and Sarah presented a poster at this important conference.

Lab alumna Juliet Pulliam becomes Director of the South African Center for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA)

Our big congratulations to Juliet, who has moved to Stellenbosch, South Africa, to take charge of this important center. We look forward to seeing the exciting programs she builds there!

Katie G attends WHO-sponsored meeting on influenza strain prediction
JULY 2016

Katie traveled to Princeton to join this workshop that brought together epidemiologists, modelers and virologists to consider how models could help with anticipating shifts in influenza strains.

Jamie promoted to Full Professor
JULY 2016

Jamie is now a Full Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Department of Biomathematics.

Katie G. advances to candidacy.
JUNE 2016

Congratulations to Katie for passing her oral qualifying exam!

Lloyd-Smith lab takes EEID Conference by storm
JUNE 2016

The group sent a big contingent to the EEID meeting at Cornell. Michael, Monique, Katie, Sarah, Ana and Christian all presented great posters, and a good time was had by all.

Jamie receives the EEB Department's Distinguished Teaching Award
JUNE 2016

The department recognized Jamie for his work in undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as curriculum development.

Katie Gostic wins the Charles E. and Sue K. Young Award!
MAY 2016

Big congratulations to Katie, for winning the highest honor available to UCLA grad students, awarded for "distinguished academic performance combined with service to the University and community". Well deserved!

Monique speaks at WHO workshop in France
MARCH 2016

Monique participated in a WHO workshop in Chamonix on the use of infectious disease models to aid in designing and interpreting vaccine efficacy trials during public health emergencies. She gave a very well-received talk entitled 'Challenges in modelling the emergence of novel pathogens'. Jamie listened in via teleconference, and both Monique and Jamie are participating in a follow-up working group.

Grant funded by NSF on pathogen invasion dynamics in establishing populations
MARCH 2016

This grant uses the island fox system as a model to study the dynamics of pathogens invading into host populations that are themselves invading a landscape - including populations that are translocated or reintroduced for conservation purposes. It will complement the study funded by SERDP, and will test the generalizability of lessons learned in the fox system.

Lepto in Soay sheep?!

Katie P. and Jamie joined an illustrious team led by Andrea Graham to publish a paper in Epidemiology & Infection on microparasite infections in Soay sheep. Strong evidence of Leptospira exposure was one of the big findings... Read it here.

Jamie speaks at WHO meeting on prioritization of emerging pathogen threats

Jamie participated in the workshop on 'Prioritization of Pathogens', part of the WHO's Blueprint for R&D Preparedness to prepare for future emergence events. He gave a talk entitled "A modeller's view of EID risk assessment". The meeting report can be found here.

Jamie gives plenary at Epidemics5 Conference

Jamie spoke on 'Epidemiology, ecology and rational risk assessment for pathogen emergence' at the Epidemics5 conference in Florida.

$2.4 million award for our lepto study from the Department of Defense's SERDP program

Our study of leptospirosis in Channel island foxes and California sea lions will be funded by SERDP. This is a collaborative effort with our partners at the NOAA/NMFS National Marine Mammal Laboratory, the USDA National Animal Disease Center, the National Park Service, and the Marine Mammal Center. Read about it here.

Ferret transmission study published in eLife

Our group's study on what we can learn from ferret experiments about the human-to-human transmissibility of influenza strains has been published in eLife. (Spoiler alert: more than we expected!) Read it here.

Jamie speaks at NIH/NIAID workshop on emerging viruses.

Jamie attended a workshop at NIAID on "The Emergence of new Epidemic Viruses: what knowledge have we gained, what questions have we not asked, and what more do we need to do?". He gave a talk entitled 'Epidemiology of viral emergence: Risk assessment and outbreak dynamics'.

Congrats to Prianna and Maddy, now UCLA graduates!
JUNE 2015

Congratulations to Prianna Ahsan for graduating with a well-earned BS degree! Prianna has been an integral lab member for two years and we wish her the best! We also congratulate honourary lab member Maddy Tiee, who is graduating with a Master's and will be attending medical school at UCSF.

Lei wins a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship.
MAY 2015

Congratulations to Lei for winning a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial fund. This is a three-year award and very competitive, and will give Lei the time and independence to do great things!

Angela advances to candidacy.
MAY 2015

Congratulations to Angela for passing her oral qualifying exam! She did a great job of handling a wide range of questions, from a diverse and enthusiastic group of examiners.

TREE article on phylodynamics for bacteria and DNA viruses.
APRIL 2015

Jamie and co-authors have published an opinion in Trends in Ecology and Evolution on the potential to apply phylodynamic methods to slow-evolving pathogens, using whole genome sequences. Read it here.

Ruian is hitting the tenure track.
APRIL 2015

Lab alumnus Ruian Ke has accepted a tenure-track position at North Carolina State University. Congratulations and best of luck, Ruian!

Jamie speaks at International One Health Congress in Amsterdam.
MARCH 2015

Jamie chaired a session on �Intervention strategies and benefits of modeling�, and presented work from the lab on monkeypox and competition among pathogens, at the Third International One Health Congress. Read more about the meeting here.

Disease modeling review published in Science.
MARCH 2015

Jamie joined a team of international disease modelers to write a big-picture review of infectious disease modeling and its contributions to global public health, now published in Science. Read it here.

'Challenges in Infectious Disease Dynamics' special issue published.
MARCH 2015

A special issue of Epidemics, featuring 22 articles that lay out current research challenges in infectious disease modeling, has now been released. This issue was co-edited by Jamie, along with a great team of colleagues, and is a product of the Isaac Newton Institute special programme on Infectious Disease Dynamics in 2013. Read the whole issue here. Jamie also led an article on challenges in modeling pathogen emergence, and contributed to articles on cross-scale and within-host modeling, pathogen evolution, and disease ecology (led by Michael -- see next post).

Michael�s article on challenges in disease ecology is published.
MARCH 2015

Michael led an article entitled �Eight challenges in modelling disease ecology in multi-host, multi-agent systems�. Read it here.

Katie G. wins a poster prize.
MARCH 2015

Congratulations to Katie Gostic for winning the poster prize at the UCLA Biomath Symposium!

Katie G interviewed on the BBC World Service!

Our article on traveler screening has gotten quite a bit of media attention, and Katie hit the international airwaves to discuss it with BBC interviewers!

Article on traveler screening published in eLife.

Congrats to Katie and Adam, whose article �Effectiveness of traveller screening for emerging pathogens is shaped by epidemiology and natural history of infection� has been published in eLife. Read it here.

Monique advances to candidacy.

Congratulations to Monique for passing her oral qualifying exam! In fine style, with excellent answers and plenty of good food...

Michael organizes workshop on modeling serological dynamics.

Michael co-organized a successful RAPIDD workshop on modeling the dynamics of serologic responses in wildlife populations, held in Fort Collins, CO.

Leptospirosis treatment paper accepted at Aquatic Mammals.

Congratulations to Katie Prager, and co-author Michael, for having their study of the efficacy of antibiotics against leptospiral shedding in sea lions accepted at Aquatic Mammals.

Welcome to Lei!

We welcome Lei Dai, who is joining us as a postdoc and will work jointly between our lab and Ren Sun�s lab in the medical school. Lei will be conducting laboratory and modeling investigations of viral evolutionary dynamics.

Sarah passed her California vet board exams.

Congratulations to Sarah, for passing the (notoriously difficult) California boards. We are now officially a two-veterinarian lab!

Influenza risk assessment article published in eLife.

Jamie joined a big team to publish an article on assessing pandemic risk of zoonotic influenza strains. This article arose from a RAPIDD workshop held last year. Read it here.

Welcome to Sarah and Ana!.

Sarah Helman and Ana Gomez have joined the group, to work on leptospirosis in California wildlife!

Jamie is a Dad!
JULY 2014

Welcome to little Sophie!! and goodbye to Jamie for a while...

Assessing measles transmission in the US.
APRIL 2014

Jamie joined lab alum Seth Blumberg to publish an analysis of measles transmissibility in the United States, including the projected impact of further declines in the vaccination rate. It is now online at American Journal of Epidemiology, read it here.

Jamie gives a plenary at international One Health meeting.
APRIL 2014

Jamie presented at the International Conference on One Medicine One Science (ICOMOS 2014) in Minneapolis. More information about the meeting is here.

Welcome Sarah, Ana, and Lei!
APRIL 15, 2014

The lab is excited to welcome three new members this fall. Sarah Helman and Ana Gomez will be starting their PhDs and Lei Dai will work as a post doc with the Lloyd-Smith and Sun labs.

TREE article on identifying disease reservoirs is now online.
APRIL 12, 2014

Jamie worked with scientists at University of Glasgow and the United States Geological Survey to re-think approaches to identifying reservoirs of infection in complex communities. Read the review article here.

Study on HCV drug resistance published in PLoS Pathogens.
APRIL 10, 2014

Our collaborative study with the Sun lab, where we combined mathematical models with high-resolution genetic profiling data to predict the risk of resistance against a new anti-HCV drug, has appeared in PLoS Pathogens. Read it here.

Jamie and Claude speak at Jacques Monod conference in France.
APRIL 6, 2014

Jamie and (lab alumna) Claude presented at the Jacques Monod meeting entitled 'From emerging to pandemic viruses: interplay between host ecology and viral evolution' in Roscoff, France. More information about the meeting is here.

Monique won an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
APRIL 1, 2014

This highly competitive national award will fund the next three years of her dissertation work on the impacts of heterogeneity and population structure on disease emergence. Congratulations Monique!

Michael presented at Epidemics4 in Amsterdam.
NOVEMBER 22, 2013

His talk addressed seasonality, persistence and chronic shedding of leptospirosis in sea lions.

Zombie science at the UCLA Evolutionary Medicine Fright Night!
OCTOBER 27, 2013

Jamie shared his, um, scientific knowledge of zombies as a panelist at the UCLA Evolutionary Medicine Fright Night, after a screening of World War Z. Read more about the UCLA Evolutionary Medicine program.

Ruian and Claude's paper is online at Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
OCTOBER 2, 2013

It uses a viral dynamics model, combined with clinical trial data, to estimate the effective tissue concentration of the anti-HCV drug daclatasvir. Read it here.

Welcome Katie Gostic!
SEPTEMBER 20, 2013

We are delighted to welcome the newest member of our group, who will work on the dynamics of bacterial pathogens.

Seth's second paper on stuttering chain dynamics is published at Epidemics
SEPTEMBER 15, 2013

It is entitled 'Comparing methods for estimating R0 from the size distribution of subcritical transmission chains'. Read it here.

Jamie co-led a workshop on Phylodynamics of Slow-Evolving Pathogens

This RAPIDD workshop was held at the University of Glasgow, co-organized with Roman Biek, and focused on the application of phylodynamic methods to DNA viruses and bacteria.

Jamie presented at the Newton Institute in Cambridge.
AUGUST 20, 2013

See his talk, entitled 'Whither disease ecology? Old problems and new solutions in a complex world' here.

Farewell and good luck to Claude and Ruian!
AUGUST 14, 2013

Claude is moving on to her new job at CNRS (after a few months at ETH Zurich). Ruian is going to Las Alamos National Lab, to work with Alan Perelson's group. You'll both be missed!

Jamie's paper on pathogen eradication and vacated niches is published in Phil Trans B
AUGUST 5, 2013

Jamie's paper entitled 'Vacated niches, competitive release and the community ecology of pathogen eradication' has been published in Philosophical Transactions B, in a special issue exploring topics related to pathogen eradication. Read the paper here, or look at the whole issue.

NSF has awarded the group a four-year grant to study lepto in sea lions!
AUGUST 1, 2013

This project will integrate field, clinical, lab and modeling studies to understand the long-term dynamics of leptospirosis in California sea lions. Read the project abstract here.

Claude's paper on evolutionary emergence with deleterious mutations is published
JULY 17, 2013

Read it here.

Jamie won the departmental Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award.
JUNE 3, 2013

Prianna won the Whitcomb Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
JUNE 3, 2013

Congratulations Prianna!

Seth's PLoS Computational Biology paper is online
MAY 2, 2013

Read it here.

Chris's study on swine flu accepted at Proceedings B
APRIL 18, 2013

Read Chris's study, titled 'Inferring patterns of influenza transmission in swine from multiple streams of surveillance data', here.

New lab member coming next fall!
APRIL 1, 2013

We're excited that Katie Gostic will be joining the group next fall, joining us from Princeton University.

Congratulations Katie on completing the Catalina Island Conservancy Marathon (again!)
MARCH 10, 2013

For the second year in a row, Katie has successfully run the marathon on this beautiful island nearby. Congratulations!

Jamie has been awarded tenure at UCLA!
MARCH 6, 2013

Much better than the alternative... Thanks go to everyone in the group who has worked so hard for the past few years.

Ruian's paper on defective dengue viruses is online at PLoS Pathogens
FEBRUARY 28, 2013

Read our paper on the surprising emergence of transmissible defective dengue viruses here.

Seth's paper was accepted at PLoS Computational Biology
FEBRUARY 6, 2013

Seth's study presenting new methods to estimate R0 and the negative binomial dispersion parameter for stuttering chains has been accepted at PLoS Computational Biology. Great work Seth!

Phil Trans B issue on next-generation evolutionary epidemiology (with Miran's paper) is now online
FEBRUARY 4, 2013

Read Miran's paper on cross-scale selection in pathogen emergence here.

Claude's Evolution paper on phenotypic mixing is published online
FEBRUARY 4, 2013

Claude's new paper 'Intergenerational phenotypic mixing in viral evolution' is now online at Evolution. Read it here.

Katie's study of asymptomatic shedding of Leptospira by California sea lions is accepted at Veterinary Microbiology
FEBRUARY 3, 2013

This paper shows clear evidence, for the first time, that California sea lions can carry and shed Leptospira interrogans without any symptoms. It also shows preliminary evidence of chronic shedding, even after antibiotic treatment. Read it here.

Welcome Michael Buhnerkempe!
JANUARY 3, 2013

The lab welcomes Michael Buhnerkempe, who will be holding a RAPIDD fellowship here. Michael comes to us from Colleen Webb's group at Colorado State University, and will be working on models for leptospirosis dynamics in California sea lions.

Ruian's paper on dengue virus accepted at PLoS Pathogens
DECEMBER 28, 2012

Ruian's study on the phylodynamics of defective dengue virus has been accepted at PLoS Pathogens. Congratulations Ruian!

Lancet issues on zoonoses (with Jamie's article) is now online
NOVEMBER 30, 2012

The Lancet special issue on zoonotic infections is online, including the review on the ecology of zoonoses that Jamie wrote with colleagues. Read it here.

Miran's paper was accepted at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
NOVEMBER 9, 2012

Miran's study entitled "Multiple scales of selection influence the evolutionary emergence of novel pathogens" will be published in Phil Trans, in a special issue on next-generation evolutionary epidemiology. Congratulations to Miran (and to Claude, who is second author)!

Ruian presented at the MEEGID XI Conference in New Orleans
NOVEMBER 1, 2012

Ruian presented his work on defective dengue viruses at the Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases.

Philip's paper was accepted at Clinical Infectious Diseases
OCTOBER 31, 2012

Philip's research on penicilliosis in Vietnam has been accepted as a Major Article at CID. Pretty good for a rotation project!

Ruian's paper on coevolutionary dynamics is online at PLoS Computational Biology
OCTOBER 25, 2012

Ruian's paper on conditionally replicating vectors for gene therapies against HIV is now online at PLoS Computational Biology. Read it here.

Article accepted at The Lancet
SEPTEMBER 24, 2012

A review article on the ecology of zoonoses, written by Jamie and a group of international colleagues, has just been accepted by The Lancet.

Welcome Monique and Angela!
SEPTEMBER 18, 2012

The lab welcomes Monique Ambrose and Angela Guglielmino, who are both starting their PhDs this year.

Ruian's paper is accepted at PLoS Computational Biology
AUGUST 31, 2012

Ruian's paper entitled 'Evolutionary Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Therapies Based on Conditionally Replicating Vectors' has been accepted at PLoS Computational Biology. Congratulations Ruian!

Miran passed her qualifying exams
JULY 10, 2012

Miran passed her oral qualifying exams today. Congratulations!

Claude will speak at the Evolutionary Biology Meeting in Marseilles
JUNE 27, 2012

Claude's abstract has been accepted as a talk at the 16th Evolutionary Biology Meeting in Marseilles in September. It is entitled "Evolutionary invasion and escape in the presence of deleterious mutations". More info about the conference here.

Claude's paper has been published in Evolution
JUNE 14, 2012

Claude�s paper on viral replication has been published in Evolution. The full title is 'Influence of viral replication mechanisms on within-host evolutionary dynamics'. Read the article here.

Claude is a mother!
JUNE 11, 2012

Claude�s baby girl, Carmen, was born yesterday! Congratulations Claude and Hugo!

Jamie spoke at a Royal Society meeting on evolutionary epidemiology
MAY 22, 2012

Jamie presented at the Royal Society meeting on next-generation evolutionary epidemiology. His talk was entitled �Toward realistic models for the evolutionary emergence of novel pathogens�, and focused on the cross-scale modeling framework we�re developing in our NSF-funded project. See details about the meeting at here.

Michael Buhnerkempe will be joining the lab
MAY 20, 2012

We�re excited that Michael Buhnerkempe will be joining the lab as a new RAPIDD Postdoctoral Fellow at the end of the year.

Ruian is a father!
MAY 1, 2012

Ruian�s baby girl, Sequoya, was born yesterday! Congratulations Ruian and Jessie!

APRIL 16, 2012

Congratulations Miran for placing 6th in her class in the 2012 US Collegiate Powerlifting Nationals!

APRIL 12, 2012

Two new students will be joining the lab in September. We�re excited to welcome Monique Ambrose and Angela Guglielmino to the group.

MARCH 30, 2012

Miran has been awarded an NSF Predoctoral Graduate Research Fellowship! This highly competitive national award will fund the next three years of her dissertation work on new models for viral emergence.

MARCH 30, 2012

Philip will present his work on penilliosis seasonality at the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington DC in July. His talk will be entitled �Determinants of Penicilliosis Seasonality in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam�. More info about the conference here.

MARCH 11, 2012

Congratulations Katie on completing the Catalina Island marathon yesterday, and finishing second in her age class! For more info on this scenic run here.

FEBRUARY 29, 2012

Tonight Jamie will take part in a panel discussion of the film �Contagion� as part of UCLA�s Evolutionary medicine Month. Read more here.

FEBRUARY 6, 2012

Miran has been awarded a Zoonotic and Animal Disease Defense graduate fellowship from the National Center for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense (FAZD Center). Congratulations Miran!

JANUARY 23, 2012

Jamie and Katie will be presenting about sea lions, foxes and leptospirosis at the Gordon Research Conference on Biology of Spirochetes this week. Jamie will give a talk entitled �Population dynamics of leptospirosis in California sea lions�. Katie will present a poster entitled �California sea lions � both an accidental and a reservoir host for Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona?�. Read more here.

DECEMBER 10, 2011

Ruian�s poster pitch from the Epidemics3 conference has been posted on YouTube. Watch it!

DECEMBER 1, 2011

Jamie won a Presentation Award for his talk on monkeypox dynamics at the Epidemics3 Conference in Boston. His talk was entitled �Quantifying the risk of human monkeypox emergence in the aftermath of smallpox eradication�.

NOVEMBER 31, 2011

Seth, Ruian and Claude presented posters of their work at the Epidemics3 Conference in Boston, and Jamie gave a talk. More info on this conference here.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2011

Jamie and Katie both presented at the International Leptospirosis Society�s conference in Merida, Mexico, this week. Jamie gave a keynote address entitled �Leptospirosis in California sea lions: long-term data raise unexpected questions�. Katie gave a talk entitled �Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona in a small island ecosystem: Leptospirosis in the Santa Rosa Island fox (Urocyon littoralis) and spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis amphiala)�. More information here.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2011

Jamie�s collaborative paper on parasite age-intensity relationships in tadpoles has been published in Oecologia. The title of the paper is �Does the early frog catch the worm? Disentangling potential drivers of a parasite age�intensity relationship in tadpoles�, and it�s a collaboration with Tom Raffel, Stanley Sessions, Pete Hudson and Jason Rohr. Read it here.

AUGUST 7, 2011

Jamie and Miran are off to Ghana for the DIMACS/MBI Workshop on Genetics and Disease Control. Jamie is an organizer, and Miran is a student � both of them will be presenting. Click here for more information.

JUNE 23, 2011

Chris, Seth, Ruian and Claude all presented posters at the EEID meeting in Santa Barbara this week.

JUNE 3, 2011

Jamie has been awarded a Hellman Fellowship for 2011-2012, to support our lab�s work on leptospirosis in California sea lions. Click here for more information.

MAY 6, 2011

Jamie gave a plenary talk at the inaugural Open Day of the Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health at University of Glasgow. The themes of the meeting was �From pathogens to populations�. Jamie�s talk was entitled �A tale of three poxes: Smallpox eradication, stuttering chains, and the emergence of human monkeypox�. After the meeting, he enjoyed a relaxing weekend of hillwalking in the Scottish highlands with Dan Haydon and friends. More information here.

MARCH 17, 2011

Jamie�s paper on autonomous targeting of superspreaders using transmissible gene therapies has been published in PLoS Computational Biology. The paper is a collaboration with Leor Weinberger at UCSD, and goes back to ideas developed when they were both Biophysics graduate students at UC Berkeley. Read it here.