- Zimmer, R.K., D.P. Cook, and J.F. Case. 1979. Chemosensory induced bradycardia in the kelp crab, Pugettia producta(Randall). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 38: 135-150.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., and J.F. Case. 1982. Odors influencing foraging behaviour of the California spiny lobster, Panulirus
interruptus, and other decapod Crustacea. Marine Behaviour and Physiology 9: 35-58.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., and J.F. Case. 1982. Organization of food search in the kelp crab, Pugettia producta (Randall). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 50:237-255.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., and J.F. Case. 1983. A proposed dual role of odor in foraging by the California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus. Biological Bulletin 164:
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., J.E. Tyre, W.C. Michel, and J.F. Case. 1984. Chemical mediation of feeding in a marine decapod crustacean: The importance of suppression and synergism.Biological Bulletin 167: 339-353.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., W.C. Michel, J.E. Tyre, and J.F. Case. 1984. Chemical induction of feeding in California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall): Responses to molecular weight fractions of abalone. Journal of Chemical Ecology 10: 957-971.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., J.E. Tyre, and J.F. Case. 1985. Chemical attraction causing aggregation in the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, and its probable ecological significance. Biological Bulletin 169: 106-118.
- Case, J.F., W.C. Michel, R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and D.P. Cook. 1986. Effects of oil pollution and oil production pollution on chemoreception and behavior of marine organisms. Pp. 39-64 in D.V. Dorigan and F.L. Harrison (eds.), Physiological Responses of Marine Organisms to Environmental Stresses. US Department of Energy Press, Washington, DC.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., 1987. Crustacean chemical perception: Tuning to energy and nutrient reward? Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences 510: 735-738.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., and E. Spanier. 1987. Gregariousness and sociality in spiny lobsters: Implications for den habitation.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 105: 57-71.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1987. Crustacean chemical perception: Towards a theory on optimal chemoreception. Biological Bulletin 172: 10-29.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1987. Substrate selection and use by a deposit feeding crab.Ecology 68: 955-970.
- MacDonald, J.D., J.R. Shields, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1988. Acute toxicities of eleven heavy metals to early life history stages of the yellow crab Cancer anthonyi. Marine Biology 98: 201-207.
- Spanier, E., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1988. Some physical properties of shelter that influence den preference in spiny lobsters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 121: 137-149.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., R.A. Gleeson, and W.E.S. Carr. 1988. The behavioral response of spiny lobsters to ATP: Evidence for mediation by P2-like chemosensory receptors. Biological Bulletin 175: 167-174.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., J.M. Stanfill, and S.B. Collard, III. 1988. A fast, multi-channel fluorometer for investigating aquatic chemoreception and odor trails. Limnology and Oceanography 33: 1586-1594.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1989. The relationship between chemoreception and foraging behavior in crustaceans. Limnology and Oceanography 34: 1071-1085.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1990. Foraging strategies of deposit feeding crabs. Pp. 567-578 in R.N. Hughes (ed.), Behavioural Mechanisms in Foraging. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Weissburg, M.J., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1991. Ontogeny versus phylogeny in determining patterns of chemoreception: Initial studies with fiddler crabs. Biological Bulletin 181: 205-215.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1991. Chemical signal-to-noise detection by spiny lobsters. Biological Bulletin 181: 419-426.
- Moore, P.A., R.K. Zimmer-Faust, S.L. BeMent, M.J. Weissburg, J.M. Parrish, and G.A.Gerhardt. 1992. Measurements of microscale patchiness in a turbulent aquatic odor plume using a semiconductor-based microprobe. Biological Bulletin 183: 138-142.
- Lawton, P., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1992. Context-sensitivity in crab foraging studies.American Zoologist 32: 396-404.
- Tamburri, M.N., R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and M.L. Tamplin. 1992. Natural sources and properties of chemical inducers mediating settlement of oyster larvae: A re-examination. Biological Bulletin 183: 327-338.
- Weissburg, M.J., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1993. Life and death in moving fluids: Hydrodynamic effects on chemosensory-mediated predation. Ecology 74: 1428-1443.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K. 1993. ATP: A potent prey attractant evoking carnivory. Limnology and Oceanography 38: 1271-1275.
- Moore, P.A., M.J. Weissburg, J.M. Parrish, R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and G.A. Gerhardt. 1993. Spatial distributions of odors in simulated benthic boundary layer flows. Journal of Chemical Ecology 19: 255-279.
- Lopez-de-Victoria, G., D.R. Fielder, R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and C.R. Lovell. 1994. Motile behavior of Azospirillum species in response to aromatic compounds. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 39: 107-114.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., D.R. Fielder, K.L. Heck, Jr., L.D. Coen, and S.G. Morgan. 1994. Effects of tethering on predatory escape by juvenile blue crabs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 111: 299-303.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., and M.N. Tamburri. 1994. Chemical identity and ecological implications of a waterborne, larval settlement cue. Limnology and Oceanography 39: 1075-1087.
- Turner, E.J., R.K. Zimmer-Faust, M.A. Palmer, and M. Luckenbach. 1994. Settlement of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae: Effects of water flow and a water-soluble chemical cue. Limnology and Oceanography 39: 1579-1593.
- Weissburg, M.J., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1994. Odor plumes and how blue crabs use them in finding prey. Journal of Experimental Biology 197: 349-375.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., C.M. Finelli, N.D. Pentcheff, and D.S. Wethey. 1995. Odor plumes and animal navigation in turbulent water flow: A field study. Biological Bulletin 188: 511-516.
- Lopez-de-Victoria, G., R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and C.R. Lovell. 1995. Computer-assisted video motion analysis: A powerful technique for investigating motility and chemotaxis. Journal of Microbiological Methods 23: 329-341.
- Nevitt, G.A., N.D. Pentcheff, K.J. Lohmann, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1995. Evidence for hydrodynamic orientation by spiny lobsters in a patch reef environment. Journal of Experimental Biology 198: 2049-2054.
- Lohmann, K.J., N.D. Pentcheff, G.A. Nevitt, G. Stetten, R.K. Zimmer-Faust, H.E. Jarrard, and L.C. Boles. 1995. Magnetic orientation of spiny lobsters in the ocean: Experiments with underseas coil systems. Journal of Experimental Biology 198: 2041-2048.
- Rabalais, N.N. F.R. Burditt, Jr., L.D. Coen, B.E. Cole, C. Eleuterius, K.L. Heck, Jr., T.A. Teague, S.G. Morgan, H.M. Perry, F.M. Truesdale, R.K. Zimmer-Faust, and R.J. Zimmerman. 1995. Settlement of Callinectes sapidus megalopae on artificial collectors in four Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 855-876.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., P.B. ONeill, and D.W. Schar. 1996. The relationship between predator activity state and sensitivity to prey odor. Biological Bulletin 190: 82-87.
- Morgan, S.G., R.K. Zimmer-Faust, K.L. Heck, Jr., and L.D. Coen. 1996. Population regulation of blue crabs Callinectes sapidus in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Postlarval supply. Marine Ecology Progress Series 133: 73-88.
- Tamburri, M.N., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1996. Suspension-feeding: Basic mechanisms controlling recognition and ingestion of larvae. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 1188-1197.
- Tamburri, M.N., C.M. Finelli, D.S. Wethey, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust.1996. Chemical induction of larval settlement behavior in flow.Biological Bulletin 191: 367-373.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., M.P. de Souza, and D.C. Yoch. 1996. Bacterial chemotaxis and its potential role in marine dimethylsulfide production and biogeochemical sulfur cycling. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 1330-1334.
- Zimmer-Faust, R.K., M.N. Tamburri, and A.W. Decho. 1997. Chemosensory ecology of oyster larvae: Benthic - pelagic coupling. Pp. 37-50 in D.L. Hartline, P. Lenz, and J.E. Purcell (eds.), Sensory Ecology and Physiology of Zooplankton. Gordon and Breach, Toronto.
- Gee, C.C., and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1997. Effects of walls, paternity and ageing on sperm motility. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 3185-3192.
- Browne, K.A., M.N. Tamburri, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1998. Modeling quantitative structure - activity relationships between animal behaviour and environmental signal molecules. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 245-258.
- Decho, A.W., K.A. Browne, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust. 1998. Chemical cues: Why basic peptides are signal molecules in marine environments. Limnology and Oceanography 43: 1410-1417.
- Stone, G., E. Kristof, M. Cole, T. Tucker, and R. Zimmer. 1998. Ropecam: New technology for recording video images of deep sea animals. Marine Technology Society Journal 18: 505-513.
- Zimmer, R.K., J.E. Commins, and K.A. Browne. 1999. Regulatory effects of environmental chemical signals on search behavior and foraging success. Ecology 80: 1432-1446.
- Finelli, C.M., N.D. Pentcheff, R.K. Zimmer, and D.S. Wethey. 1999. Odor transport in turbulent flows: Constraints on animal navigation. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 1056-1071.
- Lee, E.S., A.J. Lewitus, and R.K. Zimmer. 1999. Chemoreception in a marine cryptophyte: Behavioral plasticity in response to amino acids and nitrate. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 1330-1334.
- Zimmer, R.K., and C.A. Butman. Submitted. Chemical signaling processes in the marine environment. Biological Bulletin
- Finelli, C.M., N.D. Pentcheff, R.K. Zimmer, and D.S. Wethey. 2000. Physical constraints on ecological processes: The effects of prey odor and hydrodynamics on foraging. Ecology 81: in press.
Examples of manuscripts in preparation
- Browne, K.A., and R.K. Zimmer. Controlled field release of a waterborne chemical cue stimulates planktonic larvae to settle and metamorphose.
- Zimmer, R.K. Modeling animal perception of chemical stimuli in the ocean environment.
- Zimmer, R.K., and M.E. Hay. Chemical ecology of marine communities (for publication in M. Bertness, S. Gaines, and M. Hay (eds.), Marine Community Ecology, Sinauer Press).
- Fingerut, J.T., and R.K. Zimmer. The roles of larval behavior, chemistry, and hydrodynamics in regulating a marine parasite- host interaction.
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