The Zimmer Lab

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Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of California, Los Angeles

Welcome to the lab of Richard and Cheryl Ann Zimmer.

The Zimmer Lab is the joint research laboratory of Drs. Richard and Cheryl Ann Zimmer. Cheryl Ann Zimmer is interested primarily in the importance of physical and biological mechanisms controlling (1) larval dispersal, (2) larval settlement, and (3) feeding of benthic (bottom-dwelling) invertebrates. Richard Zimmer is interested primarily in identifying the structures and concentrations of bioactive molecules while measuring their distributions over the time and space scales relevant to chemosensory information processing. Their combined expertise creates a unique research environment, contributing new theory and information on a wide range of topics in the aquatic sciences.

Water movement is a critical factor driving the ecology and evolution of aquatic life. Our research explores 1) the relative importance of physical and biological mechanisms controlling larval behavior and ecology and 2) the physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms controlling chemical communication. Current research explores the role of chemical signals in mediating physiological functions and ecological interactions at individual, population and community levels.

Thanks for visiting our lab website. If curious about or interested in our research, feel free to contact us. There are current openings for graduate students.

Questions or problems with these web pages? Email amynichols [at] ucla [dot] edu