OBEE 100
Dr. Victoria Sork, Winter 2003
Population Ecology: Single- and meta- populations

Outline of Lecture:

I. Laboratory examples of population growth

II. Studies of populations in "real" world

III. Metapopulation

  1. Concepts

  2. Example


I. Laboratory examples of population growth

A. Gauss, 1934
  1. Two species of Paramecium in salt solution
  2. Initial population size=2
  3. Results: Different carrying capacities


B. Jordan and Jacobs, 1947


  1. Escherichia coli
  2. aerobic, constant temp, pH
  3. renewed food at 2 temps
  4. result: different growth patterns

C. Park, Leslie, Mertz, 1964


  1. flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum
  2. Two strains grown under same conditions
  3. Results:
    1. different r's, K's
    2. declining asymptote

II. Studies of populations in "real" world

A. Field test: reindeer in Alaska
  1. 1911: reindeer introduced into 2 islands in Berring Sea
    • St. Paul Island (41 sq miles): 4 males, 21 females
    • St. George Island (35 sq mi): 3 males, 12 females
  2. results:
    1. no stable K
    2. different K
    3. St. Paul population crashed


B. Human population: Pearl and Reed 1920, Proc. Natl Acad. Sciences 6:275-288



  1. Based on same equation introduced by Verhulst
  2. Used US census data for 1790-1910
  3. Fitted data to logistic growth model
  4. Results
    1. 1920-1940 accurate
    2. 1940: actual pop showed geometric increase
    3. They predicted K=197 Million in 2006
    4. In 1968, US population size was 196 K
    5. Pop size today? 278 million
    6. 6.2 Billion!


For other estimates of human carrying capacity see:


III. Metapopulation

A. Concept


Basic metapopulation model

1. parameters of model

f = fraction of sites occupied

I = Immigration rate = proportion of sites successfully colonized per unit time

E = extinction rate = proportion of sites that go extinct per unit time.

a. Immigration rate, I, is dependent on pI and the availability of unoccupied sites, 1-f:

b. Extinction rate, E, depends on local extinction, pe. and fraction of sites occupied, f.

2. Model assumptions

a. homogeneous patches

d. no spatial structure

c. no time lags

d. constant probabilities of extinction and immigration

e. regional occurrence, f, affects local colonization and extinction

f. large number of patches


B. Other kinds of metapopulation models

1. Mainland-island model

System of habitat patches (islands) located within dispersal distance from a very large habitat patch (mainland) where the local population never goes extinct; similar to island biogeography model.

2. Source-sink metapopulation.

Metapopulation in which there are patches in which the population growth rate at low density and in the absence of immigration is negative (sinks) and patches in which the growth rate at low density is positive (sources); this definition differs from that of Pulliam (1988) when he first proposed source-sink dynamics to include small patches that have a low but positive equilibrium value in absence of migration.


C. Metapopulation examples

  1. Butterfly populations
  2. Tropical forest gap-dependent tree species
