Environment 121: Conservation of Biodiversity

Lecture topic: Demography of small populations

17 April 2007

Conservation in the news

Outline of lecture:

I. Review of population growth models

Density-independent population growth models

Density-dependent population growth models

Age-structured, density-independent population models

Stage-structured, density-independent population models

II. Special cases for small populations

III. Advanced concepts for small populations

I. Review of Population Growth Models

Density-independent population growth models

A. Discrete generation

2. Definitions

To project population under the assumptions of this model:

Nt = N0 R0t

R > 1 => population is growing

R = 1 => population size is constant
R < 1 => population is declining
When would density-independent growth be applicable to conservation cases?
Perhaps invasive species.

B. Continuous growth



Density-dependent population growth models

A. Verhulst (1838) equation


Issues for conservation:

Age -structured models (density independent)

A. Life tables


B. Population matrices


IV. Stage structured population models (density independent)

A. Life table information

B How to collect data:


C. Stage projection matrix



Applications of life table approach for conservation:

Focus on critical phases in life cycle where impact of disturbance is occurring most dramatically

  1. Black agouti:  seed disperser/seed predator
  2. Increase in nest predators on edges: Female cowbird:  nest predator

PHOTO BY taken from http://www.sfu.ca/biology/faculty/williams/ebird/credits.html

See article on Nest predation by cowbird: UC Berkeley News http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2004/08/05_cowbird.shtml

II.  Special cases for small populations

 Allee effect:

  1. When population is large, positive relationship between population density and the reproduction and survival of individuals

  2. When population is small, increased difficultly of finding mates or reproducing at low population size.

  3. A special form of density-dependence


Example 1:  African Wild dog

Example 2:  Self-incompatibility in plants

Aster furcatus , Forked aster: understory plant: found at fewer than 50 sites in six Midwest states, is classified as threatened in Illinois.

Gentiana pneumonanthe, European understory shrub.

Both species have incompatibility systems:

III. Advanced concepts for small populations

A.  Demographic uncertainty


B. Environmental uncertainty or stochasticity

  1. Defintion: changes in weather, food supply, and the populations of competitors, predators and parasites
  2. Natural catastrophes
  3. Extreme cases of environmental uncertainty
  4. Infrequent, short in duration, widespread in impact


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