Ban on Selling Wildlife May Fuel Trade
Published: May 31, 2007, NY TImes
CITES to Study Species Over - Exploitation
Carson's 'Silent Spring' Still Making Noise
May 27, 2007 · Rachel Carson, whose book Silent Spring helped spark the modern environmental movement, would have been 100 years old Sunday. Her work continues to stir up controversy on Capitol Hill.
French Drift Net Dispute Turns Nasty
May 27, 2007 · Environmentalists and fishermen are at odds off the south coast of France. The fishermen objected to being photographed while catching tuna with driftnets — a practice banned by the U.N. and the European Union.
Have you seen this site from NPR? Climate connections: A global journey
Outline of today's lecture:
Finish notes from May 29, 2007
I. Protected areas as part of reserve design
"an area of land and/or sea dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity and managed through legal and other effective means" (IUCN 1994)
1. Strict nature reserves or wilderness areas
Bighorn Wilderness Area, Alberta Canada |
2. National parks
Bryce National Park, USA |
3. National monuments and landmarks
Dinosaur National Monument, Denver, Colorado, |
4. Managed wildlife santuaries and nature reserves
Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India |
5. Protected landscapes and seascapes
Southwest Protected Landscape, UK, |
6. Managed-resource protected areas
US Forest Service and logging; photo from |
Madagascar Marine protected area |
Orangutan, Leuser National Park, Thailand
Santa Rosa National Park, Costa a1.htm |
II. Creating new protected areas
A. Identifying priorities
- Distinctiveness (or Irreplaceability)
- Endangerment, or vulnerability
- Utility
B. Approaches
III. Protected areas and reserve networks