Env 121:  Conservation of Biodiversity

Lecture 2:  What's at stake?  A case history of California oak

5 April 2007

Professor Victoria Sork



Lecture Notes (Please note lecture notes are also on main course web site.)


Handouts for Lecture 2 (These are only posted here.)


1.             Contemporary distributions of major oak species in California:  Blue oak (Quercus douglasii), valley oak (Quercus lobata), and Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia). (Tyler et al, 2006, Quarterly Review of Biology)

2.             Valley oak distribution and development.  (Courtesy of Frank Davis, UCSB)

3.             Oak life history stages and risks.  (Tyler et al, 2006, Quarterly Review of Biology).

4.             Seedling emergence of 1-yr old oak seedlings under three experimental treatments (Tyler et al. 2002)

5.             Survival of 1 year old seedlings after three years (Tyler et al. 2002)

6.             Map of valley oak chloroplast haplotypes and location of sites with shared localities (Grivet, Sork, et al 2005).

7.             Historical and projected development of land in California. Statewide map of historical and projected housing development (1 or more units/20 acres) by decade to 2040, based on 2000 Census. (Source: http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/data/frapgismaps/select.asp)

8.         Protected forested land in California. Statewide map of working landscape (areas managed for ag/timber/forage), urban and residential areas, public and private ownership, and reserves.(Source: http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/data/frapgismaps/select.asp)

9.             Projected changes in distribution of blue oak and valley oak after climate change, using two different climate change models (Kueppers et al. 2005)--figure courtesy of Lara Kueppers.


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