J Lee Kavanau -- A Man for All Sciences, Some Arts and Technology


Chapter 9

figure 9-1

Fig. 9-1. Photographs of locomotor pattern repeats by slow loris 2 and bush baby 1 during around-the-clock tests with 4-hr cycles. Each dot gives the instantaneous peripheral speed and direction of rotation of the wheel (horizontal excursions) sampled at 4-sec intervals.-Dots to the right of center denote westward locomotion; those to the left denote eastward locomotion. Central dots and lineation indicate a stationary wheel. The horizontal scales are linear with speeds in m/sec. Time advances linearly from bottom to top with the 4-hr cycles marked off between the paired records. Phases of the cycles are marked off on the centerline of each record and to the right, with the phases of each first cycle labeled to the right. The letter-numeral labels mark bouts of activity discussed in the text. Each first dusk began at 17:30 hours.

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figure 9-2

Fig. 9-2. Photographs of locomotor pattern repeats for bush babies 2 and 3. Labeling and programs as in Fig. 9-1. Details also are discussed in the text.

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figure 9-3

Fig. 9-3. Day-by-day outdoor activity onsets (solid circles) and cessation (open circles) times of the bush babies (B. b.) and owl monkey (O. m.) relative to times of sunset (solid lines) and sunrise (dashed lines) on roof or in runs. Lower half-filled circles denote brief emergences not followed by sustained activity; upper half-filled circles denote brief emergences after cessation of sustained activity. The night periods are omitted and, in some instances, the sunset or sunrise curves have been displaced 10 or 20 min. relative to the onset and cessation points to conserve space (small arrows with adjacent numbers indicate proper location of the curves). For periods when there were many days with variable cloudy weather, the times of 2.3 lux illuminance are denoted by the stars. Animals, month(s) and enclosure locations are identified in the individual legends,

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figure 9-4

Fig. 9-4. Active times of 20 adult individuals in 8 species of rodents and mouse opossums on volitional light-level selection programs with 10 light levels from darkness to 200 lux (meter-candles). The active times at each light level are expressed as the percentage of the total time spent running at the given levels. Results generally correlate well with habits and habitat preferences in the wild (see text). The species represented are given with each set of curves, and the individuals by the curve-associated numbers.

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figure 9-5

Fig. 9-5. Volitional light-level preference tests of cactus mice. Plotted are times active at each level (in percent of the total active time) in constant color-temperature light by individual mice at ages of 4-10 months (two plots at left) and 11-35 months (two plots at right). The tests show that preferences generally change with increasing age. Values along the left ordinates are for both pairs of right and left sections. Numbers along the abscissas refer to the 14 light levels (0 to 13) employed [10 levels of darkness to level 9 (0.02 lux) in one series of tests, and 10 levels of darkness to 1.1 lux (level 13) in the other series]. Identity of mice to which the curves apply are identified both by the numbers adjacent to the curves and the symbols used in plotting. Curves have been combined where their courses overlapped. Mouse 7 was the only animal not to show a peak in darkness or extremely dim light (level 1 = 0.000038 lux). It was tested twice (curves 7a and 7b), but only at 11 months of age, to confirm the peak at level 5 (0.0014 lux).

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